Monday, August 3rd, 2015
Society for Upliftment of Villagers & Development of Himalayan Areas (Suvidha) is engaged in the promotion of organic and sustainable agriculture in the states of Uttaranchal, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and Odisha. This article was posted by”Express Computer”, has done a story titled ” The Suvidha of Capturing Data On The Go”. The story […]
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015
SourceTrace Systems, CEO, Dr Venkat Maroju has been invited for the conference ” ICT4D 2015 – INCREASING IMPACT THROUGH INNOVATION” held between May 27-29, 2015 at Chicago, IL, USA,Q-Centre. This conference is aimed to have thought process of exploring ways to systematically integrating ICT innovations in relief and development programs of farming community. The result […]
Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015
SourceTrace Systems, VP of Technology Strategy, Mr Tadeo Cwierz has been invited for the conference “Conferencia Internacional sobre competitividad cooperativa y la economía digital: En el marco de la Economía Social Solidaria” in May 4-7, 2015 San José, Costa Rica, Parque del Lago Hotel. This conference is organized for cooperatives in the Americas, with a […]
Friday, May 22nd, 2015
KOCHI: Palakkad Coconut Producer’s Company Ltd (PCPCL), in association with Source Trace Systems (STS) launched its Integrated Farm Information Systems which would enable the farmers’ start-up to monitor their operations with state-of-the-art information system and optimise it by right decisions on checks, balances and well-informed strategies. Launching the software, T K Jose, chairman, Coconut Development […]
Friday, May 22nd, 2015
PCPCL, in association with Source Trace Systems (STS) launches their Integrated Farm Information Systems, which would enable the Farmers’ Start-Up to monitor their operations with state of the art information system and optimise it by right decisions on checks, balances and well informed strategies. Need for integration and technology management in agriculture is important, opined […]
Monday, March 30th, 2015
This article was posted by Francesca Ferrario on, the journalist has done a story titled “I was from Telangana, I didn’t know English and was a reservation candidate at college.“ The story talks about “How Venkat Maroju became leader of a global social enterprise “. Please read the article by clicking the following link […]
Monday, March 9th, 2015
SourceTrace is Exhibiting / Speaking at “Global Forum for innovations in Agriculture (GFIA) conference in Abu Dhabi on march 9th / 11th 2015. “Global Forum for innovations in Agriculture (GFIA) is aims to deliver measurable impact through a cutting-edge conference and exhibition. GFIA sets out to create a dynamic environment where real solutions are demonstrated, […]
Monday, March 9th, 2015
SourceTrace has been invited to participating in “technology for good”, session organized by NASSCOM foundation in the first of it’s kind cohort in Bangalore on March 11th 2015. NASSCOM is aiming to drive thought leadership and to foster interest in the ‘technology for good’ ecosystem, the conference showcase IT and communications based solutions (apps and […]
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
KN Biosciences Research Foundation with the support of NABARD TDF (Tribal Development Fund) is implementing ‘Maa Thota’ project comprising of fruits crop by the tribal farmers in Dhammapeta Mandal of Khammam district in Telangana. KN envisions empowering the supported tribal farmers with digitization of information and in enabling remote transactions so that the inputs reach […]
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