SourceTrace’s digital platform promotes food security by boosting climate-smart farming and reducing food wastage by streamlining supply chains. For us, food safety and food security are interrelated issues and we have worked on different aspects of the problem in our implementations in nearly forty countries.
We help our partners adopt precision agriculture that conserves resources like water, fertilizer and pesticide, reduces environmental degradation and makes food safety certification possible. Our platform also provides advisory to farmers for pest and disease management and weather and market alerts. SourceTrace’s solutions can be used as a food safety management system to promote data-driven decision making in agriculture that ensures minimal usage of resources as well as empowerment of farmers so that they can adopt sustainable practices while increasing their incomes too.
We also help in cutting wastage through efficient supply chain management and minimizing losses at the post-harvest stage. By bringing transparency into origin as well as whole supply chain through our traceability solutions, we ensure that food processors and consumers can be sure of food quality and security. Get in touch with us to know how we can help you in ensuring food security and bettering food safety management for your customers.
Download our new whitepaper
'Traceability in 2020: Global Scenario with a focus on India'