Friday, May 12th, 2017
At the base of all our food is the seed, and without it, the world would go hungry. The mapping of plant species has thrown up a whopping (approximately) 40,000 known plant species on earth – and it does demand a diverse variety of seeds to satisfy nutritional and environmental needs. Seeds hold the power […]
Wednesday, March 29th, 2017
ICT and Mobile Apps drive Global Agriculture The entry of mobile and cloud-based apps We’ve come to a time in civilization when raw materials and resources are becoming ever more scarce. When we take into consideration the pollution, increased emissions, soil degradation, and water depletion, we know the sustainability challenges that loom in the horizon […]
Monday, March 20th, 2017
In the United States, the obvious fallout of globalization has been that fifteen percent of its food supply is imported- including nearly half of its fresh fruit and 20 percent of fresh vegetables. Not only has the entire food supply chain become more hi-tech and complex, there is addition of more foods into the market […]
Tuesday, February 21st, 2017
Membati, a 35 year old tribal farmer from Madhya Pradesh, India, has reason to cheer. This year the harvest from her two-acre plot is 17 quintals, where as for the last many years it had stagnated at around 4-5 quintals. Such an output became possible after she adopted the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) that […]
Monday, February 13th, 2017
S.R. Srinivasamurthy, a farmer from the Narsipur Taluk of Karnataka, embarked on a tour of the country in a bid to collect different species of rice in order to build a seed bank. His exploratory journey seeking such rare rice varieties took him all the way to V aranasi in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra and […]
Wednesday, February 1st, 2017
It was a whopping 12,000 years ago that farming communities cultivated the first cereal grains in the Fertile Crescent area of southwest Asia! Cereals were the first ever crops to be cultivated by people, and it is the most important source of the world’s total food. When we say ‘cereals’, it refers to rice, wheat, […]
Monday, January 23rd, 2017
It’s not without reason that former American President, Franklin D Roosevelt, said, “A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself”. This is so true, because soil is a key element in agriculture – without it we would not be able to grow the crops that provide us with food. A soil in good condition renders […]
Wednesday, December 28th, 2016
Today, tea has become an everyday beverage in India. It’s not only that more than eight in ten households in India drink tea, but that India is also the largest producer of tea in the world, producing nearly 30 per cent of the world’s tea. This has led to Indian tea companies having acquired several […]
Friday, December 16th, 2016
The discussion on drought-resistant crops has been gaining momentum in recent times; this is primarily because drought is one of the adverse consequences of the climate change that the earth is experiencing. When droughts become more frequent as a result of this climate change, it will significantly impact crop and livestock production system. And unlike […]
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